Crafting Stunning Digital Experiences

Aran Bruce-Caddick

Building sites
A Summary of

My Skills

Lean Product Development

Led by lean principles, I deliver value by creating roadmaps that mean products ship early and often. Working with cross-functional teams, I drive customer value, test hypotheses and amplifying learnings throughout the business.

Data driven

Agile, Data-Driven Delivery

Coupling market research skills with a foundation in statistics and a passion for SMART KPIs, I use product and customer data to drive feature prioritisation, and compare value propositions.

Agile delivery

Modern Development Frameworks

With a background in website and webapp development, I have experience working with modern development frameworks including React, Express, Node JS and Mongo DB. This is complemented by a strong grounding in HTML, Pug, CSS, SASS, JS, React and Git.

Development frameworks
A Bit

About Me

Hello, I'm Aran

I work and live in London. I specialise in developing and executing creative projects across digital mediums. I complement a background in product management with strong marketing, creative, and technical development skills.

About me
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