
Helping your business unlock the potential of Iran


Working with international and Iranian companies, Certius provide the services needed to assess the market opportunity in Iran. Whether a business is looking to enter the market, or develop their capabilities into a growing, sustainable operation, Cerius are able to leverage their vast network across Iran’s business community and public administration to help companies thrive.

Key Deliverables

Market Research
Competitor Analysis
Website Design

Identifying Certius’ Key Audiences

By conducting market research and reviewing Certius’ current business model, it became clear that the company had two distinct audience segments: Iranian businesses looking to improve their market access and international businesses looking to enter or grow their presents in the Iranian market. Both of these could then be further broken down by their objective when interacting with Certius. Firstly, senior managers and executives looking to assess the credibility of Certius as a key business partner as well as understand its authority within the Iranian market and secondly C-suite employees looking to determine the feasibility of exploiting Iran as an under-utilised market.

Audiences on Mobile
Audiences on Laptop

Understanding Audience Objectives to inform the New Website Structure

With Certius looking to extend its services it offered, increase its digital presence and improve its lead generation, the decision was taken to relaunch the website based upon defined audience segments and key business objectives.

Through workshops with Certius and a thorough analysis of similar and competing businesses, both in Iran and abroad, primary objectives were established for each of the key audience segments. This then informed the information architecture, user flow and page structure that the new site would need to follow.

Site Structure on Mobile
Site Structure on Laptop

Designing a Site that Exuded Authority and Generated Inbound Leads

Using the proposed page strucutre, the website was wireframed and then designed incorporating key commonalities identified during the competitor analysis. This included aspects such as a prominent company descriptor, engaging visual elements, minimalistic design, showcasing of previous work or case studies, and enquiry forms displayed on multiple pages.

The final design incorporates abstract shapes contained within the logo, whilst using imagery of Iran to convey the companies expertise and experience within the country. Key calls-to-action where placed throughout each page, inviting users to view Certius’ accomplishments and previous work, before making inbound enquires.

Website on Mobile
Website on Laptop