
Get Mortgage Power


Developed in partnership with Blenheim Chalcot (the UK’s leading venture builder) and Countrywide (the UK’s largest mortgage broker), Dynamo is a brand new way to sort your mortgage digitally. With the firmly held belief that everyone deserves to get the best deal on their mortgage, Dynamo is on a mission to help people get expert mortgage advice, for free.

Key Deliverables

Marketing Website
Web Application
Internal CRM Application

Creating a Website that Drives Customer Acquisition

In support of its web application, Dynamo needed a marketing website whose primary purpose was to drive customer acquisition. To achieve this, the website features multiple calls-to-action inviting users to ‘Get Started’. These are supplemented by clearly outlined value propositions, and lender partner logos to convey an authoritative tone. Dynamo’s price point for the customer is also clearly refered to in the heading, in the line “No fees, no fuss.”

Website on Mobile
Website on Laptop

A Web Application that Delivered a Seamless Mortgage Journey

Dynamo’s ambition was to build a customer-facing digital fact-find that transitioned smoothly into an advice call with a mortgage expert. Information submitted by the customer would then be used to brief mortgage experts on a customer’s circumstances, helping them tailor the advice they gave.

To deliver on this, Dynamo created a web application on the MERN stack (MongoDB, Express.js, React, Node.js), using a combination of co-located and near-shore developers.

Together, we created a customer journey that was intuitive for our customers, with the ability for someone to track their application through to completion. It also synchronised instantly with our bespoke CRM system, allowing our customer support to instantly understand where someone was in their application.

Webapp on Mobile
Webapp on Laptop

Building a Bespoke CRM System for Mortgages

To ensure back-office efficiency and great customer service, we created our own internal software that managed customer interactions and data throughout the customer lifecycle.

Our solution was tailored specifically to the mortgage process, with user permissions, case progression, and the information architecture created to ensure we could progress mortgage applications quickly and compliantly.

Building our own CRM system also allowed us to move at speed when it came to prioritising and executing on opportunities to automate many areas of our processes. This resulted in our daily operations running more efficiently whilst ensuring our different departments were all able to benefit from the results.

CRM on Mobile
CRM on Laptop